Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The flying kitty

Some people are dog people and we have had our share of dogs and puppies, but when it comes right down to it, we're cat people. I have always had cats; Some of them inside cats that made me sneeze and most of them were outside cats who lived in the barn or later the garage.

If they are outside cats, you can pretty much be guaranteed that kittens will appear throughout the year. This particular time, Katie must have been about 9 and Sarah 8. To be honest, I don't know why I didn't see this happening, but I didn't.

Things were pretty quiet and then I heard a lot of giggling coming from Katie's room.

"Whatcha doing?"

"Nothing, Mom"

More giggling. "Can it go faster?"

I walked over to Katie's room and opened the door.


I looked up at the ceiling fan. There on the top of one of the blades was a terrified little gray kitten, hanging on for dear life. "MMmmeeeOOOoooWWWww" The kitten made another rotation.

"Get that kitten off from there". I tried to say it with a straight face, but I really had to bite my lip to look stern. "MmmEEeeeOOOoooWWww".

"Awww Mom."

"Turn the fan off before the cat gets sick and pukes all over this room."

That did it. The fan stopped moving and the kitten jumped off and landed on the Katie's bed which was directly underneath.

No damage was done to the cat, at least physically. And with the threat of rotating cat puking all over, no more cats took a ride on the ceiling fan.

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