Monday, September 12, 2011


As those of you who regularly follow this blog have noticed - I've been slacking. Not so much because I haven't wanted too, but between work, classes and it being summer - I got insurance and my body went "Oh thank God, you can finally get me fixed" and promptly fell apart.
The end of June I was diagnosed with a dropped bladder and had surgery to hoist it back in place mid-August. The end of July I finally went to an orthopedic surgeon to see what was wrong with my elbow - diagnosis - tennis elbow and I don't even play. I also get to have my thyroid looked at - I have a slight swelling. My teeth are now clean and sparkling - of course I have a couple of cavities. Next up - the eye doctor. The only stipulation is that I have to go to a real office - no Wal-Mart eye doctors for me any more. After that - I'm getting a mammogram. Yep, I got insurance just before I completely fell apart. Besides the duct was starting to lose hold.

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