Thursday, March 20, 2014

Approaching 50

So in a few short months, that will fly by with amazing speed, I'm going to turn 50. I'm in a funk, a rut, a downhill slide into a deep dark depression. I look back over the last half-century and I'm not pleased. What do I have to show for it? A failed marriage, a house foreclosure, a repo'd vehicle (and that was before the recession) a bunch of crap minimum wage jobs - even though I have college degrees and yes that's plural.

One degree that I finished but never paid the money to actually have it verified. I'm sorry - I worked my butt off for 6 years, paying thousands of dollars and now you want me to pay you more to have you send me a piece of paper saying that it's official? REALLY?

I've started more projects than I care to remember and never finished them because I ran out of something, time, money, gumption or I was derailed either because I didn't have the support or I had to get another job to make ends meet. I have a lot of good ideas, for someone else, but not a lot of follow-through. These days I don't even dream of new projects because I know I'll never finish them, if I even start them.

My body is slowly falling apart - I've had more things removed than put back in and more things patched with staples and glue. I can't eat much of anything because it's going to raise my cholesterol, my insulin or it's filled with GMOs, hormones, and chemicals.

Yeah, the first 50 years pretty much sucked. Looking ahead to the next 50 - I have student loans that will go with me to the grave, a new mortgage, a car payment and a part-time job because who wants to hire an over-qualified, 50-year-old who has a spotty work history at best. My husband thinks we should buy a run down, falling apart bar so we can add to our debt. My stomach hurts and I think I should go lie down.

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