Monday, April 5, 2010

April 5th

For years I woke up very early and collected the news of the day; I was the news director and morning co-host for a small radio station. I loved telling people what they were waking up to, so here's my chance to do it again.

Today is April 5th the 95th day of the year. On this day in 1951, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were sentenced to death for conspiring to commit espionage for the Soviet Union. 1614 Pocahontas, daughter of the leader of the Powhatan tribe, married English colonist John Rolfe in Virginia. 1792 - U.S. President George Washington cast the first presidential veto. The measure was for apportioning representatives among the states.

Today's birthday's include: Booker T.Washington (American educator), Bette Davis;
Several famous people also died this day: Sam Walton (1992)Allen Ginsberg (beat poet) (1997)and Charleton Heston (2008)

Today's word of the day: GROK - to understand
Today's Factoid: Jason Varitek & Ed Vosberg are the only people to play in the World Series, College World Series Championship Game, and Little League World Series

Dyngus Day, also spelled Dingus Day, is a Polish Holiday. It is very popular in Poland, and in Polish communities in America. After the long Lenten holiday, Dyngus Day is a day of fun. And, perhaps a little romantic fun. It is always celebrated on the Monday after Easter.

There area all sort of ways for boys to meet girls. But, this one takes the cake.

Guys, on this day you get to wet the ladies down. Sprinkling or drenching with water is your goal. Chase after the ladies with squirt guns, buckets, or other containers of water. The more bold and gallant boys, may choose to use cologne. Hitting (gently, please) the ladies on the legs with switches or pussy willows is also common.

Yes ladies, you can strike back. Ladies , you get your revenge on Tuesday, when tradition has it that you throw dishes or crockery back at the boys. It has become increasingly popular for the ladies to get their revenge on Monday, tossing water back at the boys.

Note: Dyngus Day is also called Wet Easter Monday. Hmmmmm, I wonder why!?

When exploring the roots of Dyngus Day, Historians point to the baptism of Polish Prince Mieszko I in 966 A.D. Baptism with water signifies cleansing, fertility, and purification. Somewhere along the way, the tradition of tossing water on the girls and hitting them with pussy willows evolved.

This week is: Garden Week.

My quote of the day comes from:1887 British historian Lord Acton wrote in a letter, "All power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

Today's weather for Adrian: partly sunny becoming sunny with highs in the mid-70s today. Tonight - becoming cloudy with thunderstorms overnight possible. Low of 57

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