Tuesday, November 2, 2010


So I have a thyroid problem - supposedly I've had it for years. It's enlarged which I guess means there's a problem. The doctor noticed that 5 years ago, but it wasn't bad enough to do anything about so we waited. Three years ago, another doctor noticed it was enlarged (still) and that my cholestrol was high so more tests were ordered. Diagnosis - nodules possibly cancerous go see an oncologist. What? I sought a second opinion - nodules were beign. But my blood tests showed I had low thyroid function, but nothing was done.

I've been told my problems are all in my head, that I'm female, that I'm getting older and now - I'm at that age - you know - the change. REALLY? I've been complaining for years something isn't right, but no one listens. My blood work falls just inside the normal levels. It's low but not that low. What if I'm NOT like everyone else. What if I need more thyroid to function properly? What is a norm? Oh yeah, it's a statistic based on the average of a lot of people, but maybe for me - I don't fit that - it wouldn't be the first time I was different.

A month ago I noticed a bulge in my neck. I can feel it when I swallow. It makes my voice hoarse so it was back to the doctor.

After having blood tests and an uptake scan and seeing a specialist. I once again appear to be NORMAL, oh yeah, except for the swelling on my neck. Ah that's just a goiter. A goiter??? Those things are hideous. Do something about it.

Today, I'm off to have more blood tests done and an ultra sound of my neck. Please, just tell me I'm normal so I can get some relief.

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