Monday, December 20, 2010

Grades are done

I finally finished calculating my grades. Now the moaning and complaining begins. I don't understand - if you get a zero on a project worth 10 percent - the BEST you can do is a 90 and that is if you have 100 percent on everything else, but if you forgot, or just didn't get around to doing a project that you had a whole semester to work on - you probably put about that much effort into the rest of your work. But the complaints will roll in. The good thing is - all of my grading was in writing at the beginning of the semester - what was graded, how much each project was worth and the DUE DATE - it also explained that I wouldn't take anything late, without the one freebie pass I give out. I tell them, plan ahead, you can turn your work in early, but yet somehow it will be my fault that they got a grade they don't like. Merry Christmas to me

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