Saturday, June 23, 2012

Bacon, Chocolate Fudge Sundae - a review

I like bacon and I like chocolate so I figured that Burger King's new Bacon, Chocolate Fudge Sundae was going to be a sure fire winner and I think it still can be, but not at the restaurant I went too.
First of all, I don't like this BK, but I was in T-town and had an hour and a half to waste so with my mind on bacon and chocolate and ice cream I headed over to the BK. I have never had good service there - and yesterday was no different. I counted 4 employees and a manager; were were the only customers inside when we were ordering and there wasn't anyone in the drive-thru. These workers just stood around and talked instead of getting my order ready.

When I finally did receive it - it was terrible. The burger was luke-warm and tasteless. The fries were greasier than normal and my sundae looked like it had been thrown together or dropped on the floor. (I didn't see or hear it hitting the floor so I'll assume it wasn't). I heard the employees discussing the said sundae and they weren't sure what to put on it since apparently they had run out of the chopped bacon. I saw one of the employees grab a handful of bacon (not chopped) and toss it on the ice cream and then squirted some whipped cream on the top. And that's what it tasted like - old leathery bacon with fake whipped cream. The bacon was tough and since it wasn't chopped I had to cut it. It tasted like it had been sitting around for a while. It wasn't as tasty as I thought it should've been. I think if the bacon is chopped and is fresh or at least drained of the grease, it would be pretty good. 

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