Saturday, June 23, 2012


Well here it is nearing the end of June and my summer of being a creative woman is moving slowly. Everything is moving slowly these days.

My husband had surgery the end of May and I thought having him home for 6-8 weeks would be great. But I find that I don't get anything done. I do, but it's mainly cooking and cleaning. If he wasn't home all day, I wouldn't be fixing two meals a day, I wouldn't be distracted by what he's watching on TV or trying to keep him from being bored.

Then there is my thyroid. It isn't working correctly and is scheduled to be removed in AUGUST. My doctor and I fully anticipated the surgery by the end of May/mid-June. So he didn't put me on any medication. So now, I'm tired, fat, sluggish and hormonal. I had no idea how many things the thyroid controls or works in in sync with. But after yet another visit to the urologist I found out that my bladder issues probably aren't bladder issues, but uterus issues caused by an imbalance in my hormones so let's wait and see how you're feeling after that's taken care of...once again things are moving slowly.

And then there is the house issue. We want to move. We find houses on-line, we talk to a realtor, we look at houses we like only to find out that they're sold. So we found a house the other day we LOVE. The others we've liked, could live in, were so-so, but this house was in a good location, had  potential etc. We did a walk-thru and we still liked it. Put in a bid...and now we wait and wait. Oh, there's an e-mail...lots of people put in bids on this very same house. My husband is bummed, and I'm...well  see above...I'm hormonal so OF COURSE I'm depressed. I don't even want to look at another house. I've even started packing, *sigh* I guess I'll live out of boxes for another 10 years.

So my creativity which should be blossoming with so much time on my hands isn't. Oh I've tried some new recipes, and I'm finishing a quilt. I looked into a painting class, but all of that is moving slowly too.

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