Sunday, December 4, 2011

book Review: Metro Girl by Janet Evanovich

Classic Evanovich! I guess part of why I love Evanovich books is because she writes in a formula style and I know what to expect. I have read all of the Stephanie Plum books and this one follows the same pattern. Girl gets sucked into a mystery/situation that she is unable to handle, but she tries by bumbling along. Then there is the hot guy who thinks about sex a lot. In this case it's Sam Hooker, a NASCAR driver who is also inept at solving the problem, but he's along for the ride so to speak. Plus there is a fat tough woman - in this book it's Rosa, a cuban immigrant. And then you have to have some odd-ball character - in this case it's Judey - the gay guy and his dog Brian. Much like her other books, Barney bumbles and stumbles along, gets in trouble, gets out, gets in a bind and the hot guy rescues her at the last minute and in the end, everyone gets together and hangs out.
It was a fun read. I enjoyed the fact that Hooker is kind of a wus and not all tough and macho. I chuckled through the book because Evanovich has a flair for over-stating the obvious in such a way that I find it funny. I highly recommend this book. It's more like some of the early Stephanie Plum books.

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