Monday, December 5, 2011

Resolutions's that time of year again...time to think what I want to do in the upcoming year.
2012 - My oldest daughter will turn 24 and celebrate her 1st anniversary in July. Her husband will return home from his deployment in June. She will move to NC in May.
My younger daughter will turn 23, have her first baby and celebrate her 3rd anniversary.
My youngest will turn 21 and move somewhere with his father.
Me, I'll be 48 and celebrate my 4th anniversary if we make it that long. There are days when I wonder. Do I have any major goals - not really. Next year when I look ahead to the up coming year - I'll probably just be able to cut and paste and change the age. I'll continue to work part-time at the local junior college and substitute teach. I'll still owe a gazillion dollars in medical bills and twice that much in student loans. We'll still be living in this crappy trailer park because we can't get a loan to develop our property - that is if my husband ever gets his butt in gear and finds the guy who was suppose to give us an estimate for developing the property. The guy looked over the property and what we wanted to do back in August and we haven't heard from him since. I guess he doesn't really need the work or something. I don't know him or I'd hunt him down myself.
I'll probably lose a little weight and gain a little weight. I'll probably get a little grayer and a bit slower. And hopefully, I'll still be here next year.

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