Saturday, December 3, 2011

Holiday anger

Ok, so I'm angry - more than angry - I'm furious. Why? Because I have to go to some stupid holiday party. I dislike parties in general - they're loud and crowded and everyone is fake, but mandatory company parties are the worst. So I have to go to a company party where I don't even work. UGH!

I could not go, but then my husband would have to put up with the gossip about our marriage - people would be wondering if we are having problems. Plus, I'd spend the evening wondering which woman was hitting on him. A single man at a party with booze is fresh meat to a lot of women.

I could suck it up and go; I went last year, it was 7 hours that I'll never get back. Let me lay this out so you can see how awful it was. The party was scheduled from 5pm-1am at a local college. Hors de ouvres were to be served from 5-6. We got there shortly after 5 - we never did get any hors de ouvers. My husband said he didn't want any and I was trying not to look like a pig. So why we had to get there so early is beyond me. We found a table toward the back of the room. We were the only people at a table for 8. There was an unlimited open bar. I don't drink and my husband only drinks beer. He got up 3 times to go get a beer during the evening. Dinner was a buffet, but the roast beef was tough; and I don't like vegetables so that left salad. I assume there was dessert, but we didn't eat any. About 4 hours into the ordeal, I had to use the ladies' room. There were a bunch of factory rat women in there with so much makeup on they looked like hookers and most of them were wearing tight short skirts and super high heels and big hair. I thought big hair went out in the 80s.
Then the DJ began. He was loud and people were drunk. We don't dance so we sat and watched. I just wanted to go home, but noooooooooooo. We had to stay until 12:30. He didn't win any of the door prizes so it was pointless evening. During the entire episode, I think 3 people stopped by our table and said hi - all women.
Now, it's that time again. I'm fatter than ever and now he's a regular employee. The other day I stopped by his office and his boss asked me if I was looking forward to the party. I told her I wasn't going and she told me I had to go. I don't have to do anything. I told her I went last year and I was bored. So she told me that I could hang out with her and her friends. Like that's going to happen - not.
I can't imagine hanging out with someone I barely know. And furthermore, and I'm going to sound like a snob, I have nothing in common with these people. I'm a college professor and these people are factory workers. They play bingo and drink beer. I prepare lesson plans and read books. I've heard them complain about having to take classes and what a waste it is. Well, I think their parties are a waste too.
I went to one other company party with him - I was trapped at a table with another wife for 5 hours. (Yes, my husband likes to make these things an all evening ordeal) First, I was pleasant, asked her how she was doing etc., but as the evening progressed, she became drunker and drunker. By the time I was able to escape, she was crying and telling me things that were much more personal than I wanted to know. I heard her life story including all of her sexual exploits. I was mortified.
Do I have a choice, I suppose there is always a choice; I can stay home and make my husband angry. Actually, I don't think he would care if I stayed home. The question should be, am I comfortable staying home? And the answer is no. So I'm going to smuggle a book and a small flashlight in my purse. I know there is a quiet spot off the main dining room and I'll go read my book there. I'm not going to sit there for 7 hours again doing nothing.

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