Monday, April 4, 2011

Where to begin

I have a whole bunch of stories, adventures, dramas, crisis and they will not be in any particular order. They won't be arranged alphabetically, chronologically, spacially or in intensity of catastrophic nature. They will be arranged as to the way I think of them. Maybe someone will leave a comment - you better leave comments or I will stop writing and no one will ever hear my stories again - or maybe something will remind me of an event and that will lead me down the road of misadventures - or maybe it will be something that happened to me that very day - not a memory yet - but will be soon.

I grew up in a family of storytellers - my grandmother was a great storyteller and I loved to hear stories of my parents growing up. Obviously, my parents are carrying on this tradition as my children will say "oh I heard what you did...when you were my age!" I cringe because I don't want to set a bad example for them. They're all blondes and will have plenty misadventures of their own, they don't need their mother to lead by example. By the way, I'm not a blonde, I'm...well...I've been coloring my hair since high school, it used to be a dark brown with auburn highlights, now it's whatever color will best hide the gray. But I digress, like I said, my grandparents and my parents would tell my sister and I stories when we were growing up. What can I say, we were poor and lived way out in the country - miles away from town so storytelling was our adventure. Plus our TV only got 5 channels and it was black and white. We'd sit around the dining room table doing a puzzle or playing cards in the kitchen and the next thing we'd know my dad would tell us about how he spit in his baby brother's eye or how his brothers (never him) would light paper airplanes on fire and throw them out the upstairs window. (Grandma's house would eventually burn down, but not from that adventure). Looking back, I wonder why I didn't write those stories down or tape them. My grandparents are all gone now and I'm hoping maybe writing random stories will bring back some of those long forgotten stories.

So don't expect this to make any sense as a whole - because I'll jump from present to the distant past, to the not so distant past and back again. For those who know me, you know that's how my mind works - I'm not linear in any way shape or fashion. At least you can re-read my stories if you get lost or confused.

When I finish writing all of my stories, maybe I'll put it in some sembalence of order, but for now, just enjoy each story as a stand alone. As for when I expect to finish this, never because with me - the adventure begins every morning when I crawl out of bed.

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