Saturday, May 26, 2012

Eerie a book review

I got this book because it was cheap and recommended on one of my manybook sites. I admit I was skeptical at first, but wow. I couldn't put it down, but I was in places too scared to keep reading. I definitely didn't read this at night when I was home alone

The book starts when Grant and Paige are 7 and 5 and they are going with their father to the family cabin. Their mother died the year before. During the car ride, the car veers off the road and flips. Obviously Grant and his sister survive because the story is about them. Grant is a detective and Paige well she's on the other side of the law. 

Grant is trying to solve a case when he finds his sister and walks in on something very weird and scary. The Crouches keep you looking under the bed and in the shadows wondering just what is in Paige's room and what is does to her clients. 

I gave it  4 stars  only because I thought the ending was just to weird. I can accept a scary thing under the bed who does changes people's brains and won't allow people to leave, but aliens...well you'll just have to read this page turner for yourself. Just don't read it alone, in bed!

Eerie by Blake and Jordan Crouch - yes they're brothers. 

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