Saturday, May 26, 2012

A lazy Saturday of creativity

In my quest of creativity, I need to let go. Just let things happen, let things be and sit back. A teacher-mentor called this perk time. I like that term. Like a fine cup of coffee or a bottle of wine, you have to let it do it's thing at it's own pace.

I'd like this to be a peaceful journey this summer, but let's face it, this is my life and it's never been drama free. As our family is beginning to face some difficult questions about an aging parent, and relatives poor life choices, I see that being creative this summer is going to be a challenge so today - I just slowed down.

Creativity isn't always the flash of blinding brilliance, but sometimes in the monotony of life it creeps up on you. So as I was setting about to clean my bathroom, I realized that short bursts of productivity keep me moving. I have a short attention span so I clean on commercial breaks and cross-stitch while watching TV. My brilliant insight came in the fact that my cleaning routine is creative. If I had to tackle that nasty job all at once I would put it off and drag my feet and gripe about it. But when I time it in short 6-7 minute bursts it doesn't seem to take any time at all. One TV show and the bathroom is done and not only that, but the cross stitch pattern I've been dabbling at is nearly finished too.

So my creative insight for today - let ideas perk and blossom; short bursts of productivity work best for me and if I can see progress I keep moving forward.

The weather was awesome so I did some gardening today too. With as many gardens and containers I have the weeding has to be divided up. I know I promised soon as I recharge the camera, I will download them. 

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