Friday, May 18, 2012

What to do this summer - be creative.

For a long time, I've complained that I don't have the time, draw, bead, paint, or write. I have fabric, needles and thread. I have graphite, and chalk. I have beads and string. I have canvas, brushes and paint.I have rough drafts on my computer, in drawers, in folders. What I thought I didn't have was time. Time and the spark any more. I used to be such a free spirit. Go with the flow, be free, see where life will take you. Then I got a job, got married, had a baby, had another baby and another. Bought a house, lost a job, lost a house, divorced the husband, got re-married. Life was an endless cycle of work, work, clean, run the kids to whatever practice, concert, event. I was tired - very very tired.

The kids have grown and moved away. My husband and I, while far from rich, are doing ok at the moment and, well, the employment area is very slow. I am only teaching one 3 hour class this summer. Yes, I have to watch my finances, but I have a roomful of craft supplies and a mind full of ideas. I have the time with little distraction. I picked up a book called "Creativity is a Verb" by Patti Digh. I do believe that I will spend the summer revving up those creative juices.

I'm sure there will be some pitfalls - it's hot. My husband is home convalescencing after foot surgery. I'm having thyroid surgery and we're moving. But those are minor distractions right?

So to add to my blog a different topic - you can see how I'm being creative under Creative. I might add to a couple of labels like creative and gardening or creative and culinary. But if you look up creative. you should see what I've created. I'm going to try to figure out how to upload some pictures too. That should be a creative fun time.
On tomorrow's agenda...I do believe I will try to write something and/or make cookies. I consider baking to be creative and tasty.

Oh and watch for my thyroid updates. After many years of problems in the form of cystic nodules, my thyroid has stopped working properly and I will be having it out in August. I will start a new line of posts on that topic.

Yes this is a hodge podge of me. Someday maybe, I'll print them all off and publish them. 

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