Monday, May 2, 2011

Nancy Drew myster #1 The Secret of the Old Clock

I loved Nancy Drew when I was growing up. We didn't have a lot of money and the books were hard cover so they were a lot of money. My goal now that I'm older is to read all of the series. I just finished my first one - The Secret of the Old Clock and I must say I still at my age - got a little nervous for Nancy.

These books will take the reader back to a day before computers and cell phones so getting locked in a closet was a real danger. I love her convertible and wonder if my husband might have made it. LOL

She may be a bit too nice and too friendly - but it was a different era and people were friendlier and nicer. It's on to the Hidden Staircase now.

4-1/2 stars out of 5

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