Monday, May 23, 2011


Four weeks ago I decided that I didn't have enough to do so I went back to school. the moment I'm teaching one 3 credit class, substitute teaching a couple of days a week plus taking care of the house and starting my gardens so why did I think I'd have time to take 6 credits??? I'm a mashocist I guess.

So for the next three weeks - I'm going to be persona non-existent, unless I find time to squeeze in some writing here and there.

So what am I taking - for some reason I thought I should learn to cook. This summer I'm taking culinary skills - we're learning to use our knives. It does take practice and for some, namely me - some luck. So far, I haven't taken off a finger. This class is 7.25 hours long and runs for 15 weeks. I'm tired just thinking about it.

My other class is SafeServ - it's a test prep class for taking and passing the food SafeServ test - it's a national certification and once you take it you're certified for 5 years. The other test is for alcohol and the certification is good for 2 years. I'll be taking both of these tests in the next couple of weeks - the class only runs until the end of June.

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